The Summary Export for an assignment lists the class, students, date and time started, due date, submitted date and time, grades, points earned, and points possible.
The Item Analysis Export for an assignment is more detailed and lists all assignment details, grades, points earned, and points possible by item for each student.
The Standards Export for an assignment lists the standards, aligned questions, class average by question, and points earned by questions for each student. It also provides an at-a-glance overview by student by question using color coding results (green for full points, yellow for partial points, and red for no points).
1. To export submissions data, locate the assignment.
4. Once you select Export, select which data to export: Summary Export, Item Analysis Export (information from the Details tab), or Standards Export.
5. Make sure your email address is correct, and select Send.
6. After selecting Send, you will receive an email from *Please check your junk folder if you do not receive the email in your inbox.
7. From the email, click the link to download your file.
*Please note that exports are printable.