Biography Recaps include constructed response questions that students can answer and teachers can score completely online.
Please Note: We recommend assigning the Biography Recap in conjunction with the Biography Reader.
Assigning the Biography Recap
1. Find the Biography Recap activity.
2. Select Assign.
3. When the assignment window opens, make your Assign To selection, et the Start Date and Time and Due Date and Time and set the Grading and Report toggles.
4. Select Assign.
How Students Complete and Submit the Biography Recap
1. Students will find the assignment and select Start or Continue (if they already started but have not yet submitted the assignment).
2. To answer a question, students will click in the white text box and begin typing.
3. When a student has finished typing, they will select the Save Answer button.
4. To move to the next question, students will select the number of the next question. Numbers are located on the right side of the screen.
5. Once students have answered all questions, they will select the next button to move to the summary page.
6. On the summary page, students have the choice to Submit for Grade or Save for Later.
Please click here to see the instructions for students.